Paper mario the thousand year door rom payload
Paper mario the thousand year door rom payload

#Paper mario the thousand year door rom payload free#

Next you free Zhong Mae and she tells you about disarming Golgov's nuclear missiles.

  • In James Bond 007(Game Boy), after you defeat the final boss General Golgov and the remainders of his mecha disappear from the screen, you can still read his next lines, stating that although you have defeated him, you cannot escape the destiny he has created.
  • Incredible never really managed to fight in the film), but immediately afterwards you are treated by a clip from the film showing Syndrome arriving and chasing Incredible down a waterfall.
  • In The Incredibles video game you must defeat the second OmniDroid (which Mr.
  • Same goes for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix with the battle between Harry/Sirius and Lucius/Bellatrix.
  • Harry's battle with the dementors after leaving the Whomping Willow in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
  • (unless, of course, you have a certain item) Then, the room floods and player seemingly drowns, until Curly sacrifices herself to save him. The Doctor and Misery arrive, teleport the dying Core out, and leave player and Curly Brace behind.
  • Possibly in Cave Story after the Core.
  • Even if you beat him, he still manages to summon Dracula anyway.

    paper mario the thousand year door rom payload

    Castlevania: Symphony of the Night has the penultimate fight against the dark priest Shaft.

    paper mario the thousand year door rom payload

    It's a little less irritating than usual, since you don't actually have to beat Trevor to get the "you still lose" cutscene, just whittle away a small fraction of his health bar. In Castlevania: Curse of Darkness, the first fight with Trevor Belmont is like this.

    Paper mario the thousand year door rom payload